Friday, February 19, 2010

Journal 8: Optimistic Quote

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill

I should say I am optimistic most of the time. However, I am trying not to be. It may sounds odd. Let me tell you why. I barely assume possible negative results when I commence something. Errors or not working are not in my world. But in real life, unexpected things always happen. You got to be aware those possibilities so you can prepare if something happen. In my point of view, assuming negative results can be a pessimistic attitude. Hence, I am too optimistic so I am trying to adapt a little bit of pessimism.

I read Sherry's and Lien's.


  1. Sometimes if we prepare to face the negative results, we will feel not too disappointed when it really happens...

  2. Your profile quote is very optimistic: "Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow. Make it work, make it work!"

  3. Right Sherry, we need to prepare unexpected results to overcome them.
    And Sean, I will try to be a hard worker all the time because I am usually not. :)
